Grant from the Leverhulme Trust!


We are grateful for the Leverhulme Trust for awarding us £462.995 to investigate how predictions help people make sense of the behavior of others, and which neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlie these abilities. The work will be lead by Patric Bach in Aberdeen, in collaboration with Elsa Fouragnan and Giorgio Ganis in Plymouth and Paul Downing in Bangor.

The project will run from May 2020 to December 2023. Please see here for for a project overview.

Dr. Katrina McDonough will work as postdoctoral researcher and lead the behavioral research stream. We are looking to recruit a second full time post-doctoral researcher with expertise in neuro-imaging methods (EEG and/or fMRI) and good programming skills.

While recruitment is currently on hold until the COVID-19 situation is clearer, please email Patric Bach ( if you are interested in the position.